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Application Procedure


  1. Applications must be filled out in-person at the AAEJATC on the third Monday of each month BY APPOINTMENT ONLY from 8:30 to 11 a.m. or 1 to 3 p.m. 

  2. Applicants must be 17 years of age to receive an application, minimum of 18 years of age at time of selection and indenture.

  3. To apply for the 5-year Inside Commercial Program, applicants must be residents in the jurisdiction of IBEW Local #252 (Washtenaw County, Jackson County, and Unadilla, Putnam, Hamburg, and Green Oak Townships in Livingston County and Onondaga, Leslie, Stockbridge, and Bunker Hill Townships in Ingham County) for 12 months preceding

4. application or individuals who have gone through Local 252's Residential Apprenticeship Program and have worked a minimum of forty-five hundred (4500) hours as a Residential Wireman under an IBEW/NECA Local Collective Bargaining Agreement, will qualify for an oral interview by the by the JATC to be considered along with other qualified applicants.

5. Applicants must be high school graduates at application. (G.E.D. will be accepted.)

6. Applicants must have a passing grade for one credit year of high school algebra, or one semester of college algebra.

7. Applicants must be in good health and physically capable of performing electrical construction work. You may be asked to take a physical exam and drug-screening test before beginning employment.

8. Possess and maintain a valid Drivers License.

Applications are available to complete at the school on the third Monday of each month by appointment only.

You must return a completed application packet within 90 days from the date your application was submitted (No faxed documents will be accepted). It must include:

  1. Completed "Application for Apprenticeship"

  2. Completed and notarized "Sworn Statement of Permanent Residence"

  3. Official high school transcript with graduation date (and official G.E.D. results if applicable)

  4. Official transcripts of all other academic training

  5. Applicants must be in good health and physically capable of performing electrical construction work. You may be asked to take a physical exam and drug-screening test before beginning employment.

  6. Social Security Card

  7. Resume

Selection Procedure

Selection will be based on personal interviews of all qualified candidates by the respective Training Committees.

In order to qualify for a personal interview you must do the following:

  1. Return a complete "application packet".

  2. Pass the aptitude test administered by the Ann Arbor Electrical J.A.T.C. Applicants that are interviewed, but not selected will be kept on an eligibility list for two years for possible entry into the program. Applicants will not be reinterviewed in subsequent years unless they have documented work experience in electrical construction or other fields that require knowledge of electrical theory; or they have documented changes in their educational background.

  3. If you would like to request a reinterview you must provide proof of official transcripts showing you have successfully completed two post secondary trade related classes or accumulated 450 hours of electrical construction work. Reinterview forms must be requested at the time you hand in the proper documentation. This form will then be given to the JATC for approval. You will then be notified of the date and time for your reinterview.

Aptitude Test

All applicants are required to take an aptitude test administered by the Ann Arbor Electrical J.A.T.C. Only those who pass will be eligible for an interview with the Training Committee. THE APPTITUDE TEST DOES NOT TEST ELECTRICAL APTITUDE. The aptitude test only covers algebra and reading comprehension. A short sample test is given out when you come in to apply. A test date will be scheduled when you return a completed application. 

Please visit to study for the aptitude test. We recommend you study in addition to completing the sample test.


Completed "application packets" must be returned to the Apprenticeship School within 90 days from the date your application was submitted. No faxed documents will be accepted. INCOMPLETE applications and applicants not meeting the listed requirements will NOT be considered for the apprenticeship.


If you have qualified for a personal interview you will receive notice indicating the scheduled date and time for your interview. If you have not qualified for an interview you will be notified of the reason(s).


If you have questions about the application procedure, please contact the Electrical Apprentice School, (734) 475-1180.

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