Journeyman Classes offered on a continuing basis:
NOTE: Please see our calendar for specific class dates and times
Motors and Controllers
This will be an overview of the different types of motors, (1 phase, 3 phase, DC) and how they operate. Also covered are the different types of controllers and control wiring. In the lab we will wire three wire start- stop, reversing, interlock and other control systems.
Solar Photovoltaics
In this class we will learn about the new and exciting field of Green energy. Topics are, solar panels, charging regulators, electric storage, inverters and metering. In the lab we will learn how to connect the equipment into a working system.
Conduit bending
Students will learn how to bend stub 90's, kicks, offsets, 3 and 4 bend saddles. Also covered are parallel offsets and segment bending. This is a very "hands on" class and we will be using hand benders, chicago benders and electric benders.
Fire Alarm
The fire alarm class includes training on:
The purpose, importance and history of fire alarm systems
The basic components of fire alarm systems
The different types of fire alarm systems
The different types of suppression system attachments
The signals fire alarms systems produce
The history of codes and standards development and the standards development process
There is a hands-on lab for installation, programming and maintenance/inspection of fire alarm systems.
The course is approximately 20 class hours.
License Prep. , Journeyman, Masters
This is a great overview of the N.E.C. Sharpen up on your code skills. Basic formulas will be covered. We have been using Stallcups journeyman prep book as a guide. Even if you're not getting ready to take a state test, you can polish up some of those rusty code skills.
Cross over Training Resi./V.D.V.
N.E.C. code update (every three years)
This 15 hour course fulfills the state requirement of continuing education units required every three years to renew our state licenses. The significant changes to the NEC will be covered.
Many customers are requiring OSHA's 30 hour safety training before hiring. Some of the topics include fall protection, ladder safety, electrical safety, PPE, trenching and shoring.
N.F.P.A. 70-E
Electrical Workplace Safety. Students will learn what OSHA and NFPA 70 E say about working on or near energized equipment. Topics include shock, arc blast, arc flash, insulated tools, correctly rated test equipment and P.P.E. Let's all achieve our main goal when we go to work each morning, going home uninjured.
First Aid (Initial)
This course will give you the knowledge and skills to perform basic First Aid and C.P.R. to help us shorted the response time for on the job accidents.
First Aid (refresher)
Keep your first aid and CPR cards current with this class. Refresher is needed every year.
Craft Certification
The craft certification process involves two forms of testing.
A hands on test that encompasses the following: Conduit bending, circuitry, wire pulling, device installation, fixture terminations, transformer terminations, motor and control hookups (includes sizing overcurrent protection). All of the preceding and more are to be completed using safe work practices.
An on-line academic portion that covers the N.E.C., D.C., A.C., and semiconductor theory, transformers, motors and controls, blueprint reading and a host of other topics.